
Friday, April 30, 2010


As I check the voting record on the Puerto Rico bill, I ask myself which Congressmen are voting solely for the up-coming elections. I see a pattern of political fence sitting, designed to show plausible deniability. Any Congressional member "Not Voting" has shown their true colors. They are pure politicians without a shred of character. We are in the midst of finding out that "Character DOES Matter" with the people we have been electing over and over, some have over 40 years in office. It is not about how much funding or how interesting the visuals are in their commercials, it is about personal principles, values, and morals. I haven't seen a lily-white, cleanly principled "politician", yet. I don't think such a person exists. We need to look at people standing up for the first time in their respective careers and are willing to represent their communities out of disgust over the systems failures. Corruption doesn't trickle down from the top, it starts at the bottom and works it's way up the ladder. A School Board member that has shown a preference for special interests and unions isn't going to change if you elect them to City Council. A City Council member or County Commissioner with questionable ties to lobbyists isn't going to stop enjoying the perks if they get into Congress. Politics should not be a career, it should be an Honor and a Duty and a BURDEN to the soul. Power attracts the corruptible. Suspect all who seek it. We should grant power over our affairs only to those who are reluctant to hold it and then only under conditions that increase the reluctance. - Frank Herbert 1985 Wise words to consider in our Country's present situation of corruption and moral degradation.


  1. It is too easy to agree with you so I propose we cast a statue of you in BRONZE and pray to it everyday! Great post! I took a humorous look at the whole 'voting-day' ritual. Take a gander if you are interested. Thanks. W.C.C.

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